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Find your equestrian style

When people think of equestrian style many may immediately think of horse riding helmets and matching top and bottoms. This is not the case however, there has been such a huge surge of equestrian fashion that there is a style to suit everyone whilst maintaining the horse riding roots.

Many people who actually follow the equestrian fashion, do not actually ride horses. The style it self has become so popular that you can find equestrian inspired outfits on the high street. Knee high boots, jodpurs, gilets are just some of the items being replicated by top high street brands.

With brands such as Barbour firmly etching themselves into the British culture it is no surprise that equestrian inspired wear has become to popular. Schoffel is another very popular brand which lays its roots into country fashion and equestrian wear.


This stylish and tailored tweed jacket is both stylish and inspired by equestrian fashion. No matter where you plan on wearing it, whether it be on the range with your horse, or on the high street showing off your latest country wear piece.


This fantastic stylish and sporty flat cap is made from superior tweed and us ideal for any country activity. With its comfortable and chic design you will look equestrianesque even when you aren’t doing any country activities.

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