Beyonce silences critics with her high notes

You know you're important when the most buzzed about topic of a Presidential inauguration is you. And by you, we are not referring to the President of the United States, but Ms. B.

Beyonce Knowles, Beyonce Carter, Sasha Fierce, or simply B, however you refer to her, there is no doubt that she stole the show. But this time her it wasn't her singing that caused all the attention, but her lack thereof. Not to say that Beyonce didn't sing, she did sing, sort of, well sang along, lip synced. Okay it’s confusing, so let’s pick apart all the arguments of what actually transpired and try to pick fact from fiction.

After her performance of the star spangled banner, more commonly referred to as the American National Anthem, Beyonce was accused of not singing live. The queen of r&b allegedly lip synced her way through the performance with the live orchestra. Rumours began to swirl about her lack of singing immediately after. It is even speculated that the person responsible for leaking the information to the media has been "dealt with". While that is still unclear, what’s apparent is that there is some truth to the whole drama.

Beyonce did in fact lip sync the anthem on the day of her performance. Speculators were informed that Ms. Knowles did not have the time to practice with the orchestra and as such had a pre recorded version play as she performed. Whether or not this explanation of the events or reason for them satisfied the critics is unknown.


Haters were silenced when Beyonce silenced them with her high notes in person. Ms Knowles, who is performing at this Sunday’s super bowl half-time show, made it her duty to address the issue at hand. She attended the press conference for the event this week and asked the audience of media personnel to stand. To their surprise Beyonce who seemed to call on her alto ego for this showdown, sang an acapella version of the anthem, completed by a simple "any question" addressed to the media present. She went on to explain that she was busy and indeed had no time to rehearse with the orchestra, so she took the decision to pre record a track and sing along with it. Ms Knowles pointed out that the day was about making the president and her country proud, and she could not afford to make any mistakes.

With or without this acapella rendition, the world already knew of the vocal capabilities of Beyonce. Did she need to do this, the jury is still out on that, however, I guess its better safe than sorry. She certainly silenced her critics, or at least forced them to move on to Sundays half time show and see her perform live.

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Kimye splurges on new crib

First comes love then comes marriage the comes a baby...wait. For us mere mortals maybe, for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West more affectionately called Kimye, things are a little different. First comes love then comes, pregnancy, then comes a ten million dollar 5 bedroom mansion. A big splurge on a crib..and not the one for the baby on the way.

By the time the dust settled on the pregnancy announcement, news from Kimye's camp comes of a major purchase.


A super home with lots of rooms, rumoured to cost millions will be home to the newest Kardashian. The term keeping up with the Kardashians is so fitting, as the Jones's have nothing on them. The palatial house in the hills boats neighbours like Jennifer Aniston. Baby Kimye will undoubtedly be lavished with only the best, so this mansion is only the beginning. Rumour has it the couple has plans to gut the entire house and re-do it to their taste, but that is yet to be seen.

As we await baby Kimyes arrival we also await all the pomp and pageantry that will come along with his or her arrival.

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Taylor Swift-ly moves in another direction

So Taylor Swift and Harry from the group One Direction are dating! Okay, stop the presses, news just in, the two have broken up. Wow, that was fast. How long was it a week, two days, a few minutes? It’s hard to keep up with Taylor who very well lives up to her last name. Swift is a mild way to describe how fast Taylor moves from one boyfriend to another. One has to wonder if she dates for love, or just on a whim of "Oh, Hes cute!


The list of Ms. Swift’s boyfriends goes on and on. From her name sake Twilight hottie Taylor to a Jonas brother, to most recently Harry Styles. Ms Swift has admitted to getting inspiration from her love life. She has wrote many songs about her love and loss and her many ex boyfriends have been the central theme in her lyrics. The latest of which is her hit song with the line "we are never ever ever getting back together", said to be for her last boyfriend and felow serial dater John Mayer.

One can’t really tell if Taylor goes into these relationships for the right or wrong reasons. On one hand she could be a love sick puppy who wears her heart on her sleeve. While on the other, she could be a modern day man eater who draws them in for the kill. Okay, so she’s not killing them. But, she is making alot of money from these hit records, and making a wise.

Even a certain rappers daughter allegedly "attacked" Taylor swift on twitter begging her to stop dating so many men just to make another put it mildly.

Well the newest beau Harry is now yesterday’s news. Let’s wait and see how long it takes for him to become a victim of another Taylor Swift song.

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Keeping up with the newest Kardashian

So Kimye is pregnant.  A very elated Kanye West broke the news at a concert a couple days before the New Year. So "big up my baby mama" may be a little different from what the rest of Kardashian clan may be accustomed to, but the announcement has the entire family elated. Team Kardashian shared their excitement on twitter and it seems Kim and Kanye have their full support.

So with all the excitement Kimye is now hounded by the paparazzi everywhere they go. Not to say they weren't before, just with the pregnancy announcement its amplified to the highest level.


Speculation with regards to the sex of the baby has already begun. A very excited Kim announced she would be happy no matter what sex the baby is, and just wants to focus on having a good pregnancy and healthy child. She does admit to craving certain vegetables but otherwise is keeping well.

Surrounding this exciting news is the possibility of legal problems due to the fact that Kim is technically still married to Kris Humphries. We wait and see what implications baby will have on their long drawn out divorce battle.

Regardless of the circumstance of this pregnancy, the world awaits impatiently for the newest Kardashian. So much so that it seems as if Kim has stolen the shine from Kate Middleton. Quite frankly Kardashians are American royalty like them or not. So watch out world, keeping up with the Kardashians is getting that much harder. Boy or girl this baby will be born into the lap of luxury, with the parents like Kimye.

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First Lady Fashion

Elegance, sophistication, class, trending...these are just a few of the words that are used to describe the leading ladies, which are Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton. Both the first lady, wife of President Obama and the Duchess of Cambridge, wife of Prince William, make a statement whenever seen in public.

Michelle Obama can be dubbed a style icon. Her well fitted, well tailored clothes always reflect a level of style and sophistication. Kate Middleton reflects same. The Duchess has been revered for her affordable style. Girls everywhere scramble to emulate her looks which are many times affordable to the general public. Important to note is also the fact that Kate ignores stereotypical fashion don’ts by wearing the same outfit more than once.

The bottom line is both ladies make a fashion statement no matter what the event. Whether formal or fun, their outfits are always age appropriate and on trend.



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Celebrity Paparazzi Problems

Paparazzi, photogs, shutterbugs, no matter what you call them, lately they seem to be pestering celebrities more than ever. So what’s the matter with them you may ask? Are these celebrity photographers or nuisances to people who want to just live their life?

After the death of princess Diana was blamed on paparazzi, the whole world was in uproar. Angry at their behaviour, of hounding celebrity's every move. As the years have passed, it seems as if everything has blown over and the paparazzi are now more than ever out to get "that shot".

But who should be blamed, the paparazzi, the tabloids, or consumers? The reality of the matter is that when you become a celebrity, you are celebrated. Fans obsess about whatever it is that made you famous, whether that be reality TV, music, movies, or "being famous, for being famous". Regardless of how you got the fame, once you have it and you're hot right now, prepare to be the object of your fans affections. But where does it go too far?

Most celebrities agree to taking pictures and many oblige the paparazzi. Many celebrities love the lime light, but when it comes to getting too close that’s when things go array. Most recently actress Halle Berry was caught on tape cursing at a photographer for stalking her daughter at school. Another recent incident involves Justin Beiber allegedly hitting a photog. And yet again, Alec Baldwin was last seen covered in a white sheet looking like a ghost trying to hide from those pesky paparazzi. Celebrities like drew Barrymore will tent a whole area to hide the happenings of her wedding....while Kim Kardashian will have it all on TV for show. So there are two kinds of celebrities. The ones that want the constant attention and those that don’t.

But it all comes back to the consumer. Yes the tabloid pay big bucks for exclusive pictures of celebrities, especially embarrassing ones. But who will buy these tabloids? Consumers, of course, me you...and if not us, certainly others will. So that picture of Alec Baldwin’s fiancé with her skirt up revealing she was wearing no underwear. And that picture of Snooki taking a fall, wearing too high of a heel while pregnant, yes tabloid pay for them, but then consumers buy the tabloids.

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