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Beyonce silences critics with her high notes

You know you're important when the most buzzed about topic of a Presidential inauguration is you. And by you, we are not referring to the President of the United States, but Ms. B.

Beyonce Knowles, Beyonce Carter, Sasha Fierce, or simply B, however you refer to her, there is no doubt that she stole the show. But this time her it wasn't her singing that caused all the attention, but her lack thereof. Not to say that Beyonce didn't sing, she did sing, sort of, well sang along, lip synced. Okay it’s confusing, so let’s pick apart all the arguments of what actually transpired and try to pick fact from fiction.

After her performance of the star spangled banner, more commonly referred to as the American National Anthem, Beyonce was accused of not singing live. The queen of r&b allegedly lip synced her way through the performance with the live orchestra. Rumours began to swirl about her lack of singing immediately after. It is even speculated that the person responsible for leaking the information to the media has been "dealt with". While that is still unclear, what’s apparent is that there is some truth to the whole drama.

Beyonce did in fact lip sync the anthem on the day of her performance. Speculators were informed that Ms. Knowles did not have the time to practice with the orchestra and as such had a pre recorded version play as she performed. Whether or not this explanation of the events or reason for them satisfied the critics is unknown.


Haters were silenced when Beyonce silenced them with her high notes in person. Ms Knowles, who is performing at this Sunday’s super bowl half-time show, made it her duty to address the issue at hand. She attended the press conference for the event this week and asked the audience of media personnel to stand. To their surprise Beyonce who seemed to call on her alto ego for this showdown, sang an acapella version of the anthem, completed by a simple "any question" addressed to the media present. She went on to explain that she was busy and indeed had no time to rehearse with the orchestra, so she took the decision to pre record a track and sing along with it. Ms Knowles pointed out that the day was about making the president and her country proud, and she could not afford to make any mistakes.

With or without this acapella rendition, the world already knew of the vocal capabilities of Beyonce. Did she need to do this, the jury is still out on that, however, I guess its better safe than sorry. She certainly silenced her critics, or at least forced them to move on to Sundays half time show and see her perform live.

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