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Celebrity Paparazzi Problems

Paparazzi, photogs, shutterbugs, no matter what you call them, lately they seem to be pestering celebrities more than ever. So what’s the matter with them you may ask? Are these celebrity photographers or nuisances to people who want to just live their life?

After the death of princess Diana was blamed on paparazzi, the whole world was in uproar. Angry at their behaviour, of hounding celebrity's every move. As the years have passed, it seems as if everything has blown over and the paparazzi are now more than ever out to get "that shot".

But who should be blamed, the paparazzi, the tabloids, or consumers? The reality of the matter is that when you become a celebrity, you are celebrated. Fans obsess about whatever it is that made you famous, whether that be reality TV, music, movies, or "being famous, for being famous". Regardless of how you got the fame, once you have it and you're hot right now, prepare to be the object of your fans affections. But where does it go too far?

Most celebrities agree to taking pictures and many oblige the paparazzi. Many celebrities love the lime light, but when it comes to getting too close that’s when things go array. Most recently actress Halle Berry was caught on tape cursing at a photographer for stalking her daughter at school. Another recent incident involves Justin Beiber allegedly hitting a photog. And yet again, Alec Baldwin was last seen covered in a white sheet looking like a ghost trying to hide from those pesky paparazzi. Celebrities like drew Barrymore will tent a whole area to hide the happenings of her wedding....while Kim Kardashian will have it all on TV for show. So there are two kinds of celebrities. The ones that want the constant attention and those that don’t.

But it all comes back to the consumer. Yes the tabloid pay big bucks for exclusive pictures of celebrities, especially embarrassing ones. But who will buy these tabloids? Consumers, of course, me you...and if not us, certainly others will. So that picture of Alec Baldwin’s fiancé with her skirt up revealing she was wearing no underwear. And that picture of Snooki taking a fall, wearing too high of a heel while pregnant, yes tabloid pay for them, but then consumers buy the tabloids.

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Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi goes from booze bottles to baby bottles

Nicole Polizzi more affectionately known as Snooki, burst onto the scene a few years ago on MTV's Jersey Shore. Her intentions and motives were made clear the moment she arrived at the shore house. She was ready to party, and party some more. That first season and subsequent seasons of the show Snooki was on many an episode a belligerent drunk. Waking up with a hangover, just to go party and get drunk all over again. Over and over that’s all we saw. A young girl characterised by drinking, partying, dancing, and smushing (as she calls it). While the other roommates followed suit, Snooki stole the show with her wild antics. Their popular GTL...gym, tan, laundry schedule should be adjusted to be gym, tan, laundry, smush, drink, dance, drink, party, drink, smush. Oh, let’s not forget to pencil in the few hours of work at the T shirt shop. Even when "working" Snooki managed to mess that up too, many hours were wasted arriving to work late, and idling on the job.

So after years on the show Jersey Shore Snooki is a household name. But are we seeing a change? A few years into the show Snooki met the love of her life, Jianni. He was depicted on the show of being somewhat of a control freak that was trying to change who Snooki was. Nicole spent many hours crying over Jianni and trying to make up for the consequences of her wild ways. So was Jianni trying to help Snooki, or change her into the girlfriend he wants? Nicole’s roommates felt that Jianni should accept her or leave her. But Snooks kept fighting for her man. Later episodes showed Snooki trying to be more responsible and ladylike to keep Jianni happy. Most recently the couple announced their engagement and also they are expecting a baby.

Will Snooki's wild ways be tamed by becoming a wife and mother? Or is her personality hard to suppress? Only time will tell. But for now, Snooki is looking forward to being a mom of a little Guido...and also becoming Mrs. Jianni in the very near future.


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