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Kimye splurges on new crib

First comes love then comes marriage the comes a baby...wait. For us mere mortals maybe, for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West more affectionately called Kimye, things are a little different. First comes love then comes, pregnancy, then comes a ten million dollar 5 bedroom mansion. A big splurge on a crib..and not the one for the baby on the way.

By the time the dust settled on the pregnancy announcement, news from Kimye's camp comes of a major purchase.


A super home with lots of rooms, rumoured to cost millions will be home to the newest Kardashian. The term keeping up with the Kardashians is so fitting, as the Jones's have nothing on them. The palatial house in the hills boats neighbours like Jennifer Aniston. Baby Kimye will undoubtedly be lavished with only the best, so this mansion is only the beginning. Rumour has it the couple has plans to gut the entire house and re-do it to their taste, but that is yet to be seen.

As we await baby Kimyes arrival we also await all the pomp and pageantry that will come along with his or her arrival.

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