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Taylor Swift-ly moves in another direction

So Taylor Swift and Harry from the group One Direction are dating! Okay, stop the presses, news just in, the two have broken up. Wow, that was fast. How long was it a week, two days, a few minutes? It’s hard to keep up with Taylor who very well lives up to her last name. Swift is a mild way to describe how fast Taylor moves from one boyfriend to another. One has to wonder if she dates for love, or just on a whim of "Oh, Hes cute!


The list of Ms. Swift’s boyfriends goes on and on. From her name sake Twilight hottie Taylor to a Jonas brother, to most recently Harry Styles. Ms Swift has admitted to getting inspiration from her love life. She has wrote many songs about her love and loss and her many ex boyfriends have been the central theme in her lyrics. The latest of which is her hit song with the line "we are never ever ever getting back together", said to be for her last boyfriend and felow serial dater John Mayer.

One can’t really tell if Taylor goes into these relationships for the right or wrong reasons. On one hand she could be a love sick puppy who wears her heart on her sleeve. While on the other, she could be a modern day man eater who draws them in for the kill. Okay, so she’s not killing them. But, she is making alot of money from these hit records, and making a wise.

Even a certain rappers daughter allegedly "attacked" Taylor swift on twitter begging her to stop dating so many men just to make another put it mildly.

Well the newest beau Harry is now yesterday’s news. Let’s wait and see how long it takes for him to become a victim of another Taylor Swift song.

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