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Best Fun Gadgets For the Man Who Has Everything

If you find yourself shopping for a gift for a man that pretty much already has everything, then perhaps you are after some help. Trying to look for a perfect present is not always easy when you are searching for an item for someone you love. But when that person already has everything they already need in their life, then it becomes hard to find them something they will find useful.


So how do you go about locating a gift in such a difficult situation? Well the best type of present for someone who already has everything they could ever want, is a funny present. Something novelty, something that adds some laughter to their hectic routine, or something that keeps them entertained for a few minutes of the day. This is the perfect type of present to give someone who has everything.


So what are the best funny gadgets to offer as gifts? Well here are our favourites when it comes to choosing a novelty gadget for the one you love.

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What if???

What if???

What if…..?

I woke up this morning to find that my wife was already down stairs with my six week old son. As I lifted myself from my king size bed I thought, What if I could install the machine out of Wallace and Gromit. You all know the device I’m talking about, the machine that tilts you out of bed, showers you and brushes your teeth for you. I know this sounds lazy but just imagine how awesome this would be if you could buy something like this on the market. Or what if a large suction tube descended upon you just after you get out of bed that washes you, dry’s you and dresses you. We live in the 21st century, we can send out unmanned drones to strategically fire missiles right up the back side of anyone unfortunate enough to be on our naughty list. So why can’t I have a device that carries out the tedious tasks of personal hygiene?

Once I’ve grunted, groaned and stretched off, I wrap myself in my dressing gown and head towards the toilet, and then once again I had another crazy machination. What if, instead of wasting time on the toilet, wasting toilet paper and baby wipes, imagine there was a device that can digitally remove your bodily waste as and when requested? I mean, our bowel movements aren’t exactly a pleasant experience for all, not to mention we could save money on toilet cleaner, and air freshener. I saw an episode of Family Guy, this particular story encompassed the possibly of the multi verse theory. The theory states that there are millions of universes all parallel to each other in different dimensions. Well in this particular episode one universe is so advanced that all bowel movements can be requested at will and are digitally removed and sent to another universe. Also AIDS is a curable disease, by simply taking a pill and it is obliterated immediately, also another what if question to think about.

So after carrying out my business, I stumble across the landing and check the stairs to make sure the cats aren’t waiting to trip me down them. Then all of sudden, yep you guessed, a what if pops into my head, much like a random Frisbee when your wandering around your local park, or if you live in my area, a bottle of cheap vodka! Now this idea isn’t exactly new, nor is it a crazy nonexistent piece of tech, but I’ve always wanted to have an escalator instead of stairs. Now I would imagine this would be annoying if you haven’t got room for two sets, so you would have to change the settings to either up or down, but I am just lazy enough to try. I also thought a fun way of getting down the stairs would some kind of a zip wire or inflatable airplane escape slide.

So I get to the bottom of the stairs, walk into the living room and greet my wife who is watching television. She offers to make me a cup of tea and I accept and sit with my son who is currently asleep. I’m sat there with my son when I think to myself what if instead of having to make cups of tea, turning the television on and controlling the heating in the house, what about a universal control system, voice activated and handheld. A controller much like the new WII U’s, and an open voice activation system where you simply tell the house to carry out tasks. Kettle on! Heating on up to 28 degrees Celsius! Television, find me Sons of Anarchy! All these would be ideal pieces of tech and I’m pretty sure something similar does in fact exist today.

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Concept Gadgets

Concept Gadgets

So here is another look at some outlandish concept designs of some "would be" gadgets and technology. I believe it’s important for us as the consumer to discuss what we want from the big manufacturers so that we push tech to new limits and achieve greatness. I mean, I want to see a completely robust and waterproof smart phone with solar re-gen technology installed to re-charge. I want to play with a remote controlled tank that can do everything a real tank can do. I’m sure some people would want a toilet that cleans itself or parents wanting a pram or a bouncer that monitors the baby heartbeat and temperature, that alarms when any abnormalities are detected. Alas, Let me digress, I want to show you some designs that have been shown to me in the last few days that I’m just dying to speculate on.

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The future of technology

The future of technology

Technology, I love technology. I phone’s, huge HD LED/Plasma televisions that are skinnier than Kate Moss.  Laptop’s with more processing power than a million hamsters on steroids and remote control tanks and helicopters. I couldn’t imagine life without the little and large life improving gizmos and gadgets. It doesn’t just stop at Playstation and the Xbox though, think of the machines in hospitals that scan your wife’s or girlfriends belly for live baby video feeds or x-ray machines that uses radio waves to show what your insides look like. We humans have created some amazing devices in our time, even though Hollywood and general techno phobic individuals would have you believe that technology may one day destroy or even rule the human race. Now this sounds like sci-fi mumbo jumbo, but let’s just clarify two things before we sceptically move on. The first thing is, is there is a machine in Geneva capable of creating black holes, and second, there is a software program called Sky Net. I just wanted to point that out before I started rambling on about the future of gizmos was going.

Now the future of technology doesn’t lie with flying cars and laser assault rifles, the future is the digital age. Mobile phones and tablet devices touch screen and interactive systems integrated into everyday life. I have seen touch screen coffee tables and interactive beds. I just love how newspapers and magazines are now completely digital, saving the environment on paper, and making articles nicer to look at and read, whilst adding a new feature to the touch screen device that you are using. The mobile phone and tablet device has revolutionised gaming, with new models being fitted retrofitted with bigger and more powerful processors. Although a downside to this, is the fact with better technology, apps will become more advanced, the more up to date they are, the more expensive apps and tech will become.

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