Style Blog

Welcome to our blog where our guest writers and team publish informative and inspirational style. Fashion - design - home -tech - travel and beyond

How To Choose A Wedding Theme That Suits Your Style

Choosing a theme is one of the hardest decisions to make when it comes to planning your wedding. It's important to go for styles that represent you and your partner. Since you and your partner are two different people, choosing a theme can be challenging, but not impossible. It all comes down to communication, dialogue, and compromise.  There ...
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  1293 Hits
1293 Hits

Shop Summer Essentials Ideas For You

Summer Deals Just In Time Summer Deals Just In Time
SUMMER SHOP FOR TOP WOMEN Slather on the sun cream, dip your toes into the pool, and get ready for warm weather excitement. The Summer Shop is here to make sure you keep your cool when the temperatures rise. Shop everything from swimwear to sandals for head-to-toe summer style.  TED BAKER WOMEN Ollimpi samba swimsuit  GUESS Jaxx toe ...
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  2022 Hits
2022 Hits

6 Important Steps You Should Include In Your Skincare Routine

Skincare Routine Skincare Routine

As the largest organ in our body, our skin deserves some extra TLC. What better way to give your skin what it needs than by developing an effective skincare routine? Not just for MUA everyone can benefit from a routine guys too!

The problem is, with so many skincare and beauty products and tips being marketed to us, distinguishing between essential and non-essential steps can be quite challenging. Sure, you want to give your skin everything that it needs, but do you really need to follow an 18-step skincare routine in order to do that? Probably not. 

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  7741 Hits
7741 Hits

4 Tips for Protecting Your Finances as You Grow Older

pexels-marcus-aurelius-6787953 Will Help

Dealing with finances is difficult enough as it is when you're young, but it somehow manages to get worse when you get older. While everyone's circumstances are different, one thing is clear—creating a plan is a crucial step for protecting your finances. If you feel like you aren't well-prepared from a financial standpoint, it's not too late to make some important changes. To help you get started, we've come up with the best tips for managing and protecting finances for the elderly.

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  1311 Hits
1311 Hits

5 Networking Tips for Musicians

A large part of what makes or breaks an artist's career is how much work they're willing to put into networking. Connecting with other artists and the pros behind the scenes that make music get out there is vital for finding the right notes to sing. Here are five top tips for anyone who wants to build better connections with professionals in the in...
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  1192 Hits
1192 Hits

Caribbean Diving Hotspots & Other Trendy Active Vacations

Tobago Directions Get me to Tobago...
When it comes to the top places to scuba in the world the Caribbean doesn't make the ultimate list! Maybe one or 2 dive sites are really amazing such as Grenada's Bianca C wreck for its sheer size or some of the drift dives in Tobago like the washing machine. But please consider these great reasons why you might like to take your scuba gear (or kit...
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  2065 Hits
2065 Hits

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