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Graduating this year? 5 Reasons why you need a leaver’s hoodie

Leaving school marks a rite of passage that should never be forgotten. It is a transition from one chapter in your life to another and is an occasion that should not be allowed to pass without some keepsake or memorabilia to remind you of the times you have had and the friends you may be leaving behind.

Leavers hoodies are the perfect memento and here are five good reasons why you should not be without one:

1. During your time at school you will have made friends and created memories that you will want to carry with you forever. Hoodies enable you to do this with ease, as you can have them printed with all the names of your friends and classmates and even some of the images of your time at school. Whenever you wear your hoodie or see it in your wardrobe the memories will come flooding back.

2. Leavers hoodies are more than just pieces of memorabilia – they are badges that identify you as a member of an exclusive club. Whenever you see one like yours in the street you will know that you have seen a friend or an acquaintance who shared a part of their life with you. And, who knows, it might be an old friend you have not seen for while or have lost contact with?

3. b2ap3_thumbnail_designs_01.gifare stylish. You should have at least one in your wardrobe so why not make it a leavers hoodie. That way you combine a wonderful keepsake with up-to-date fashion that you can wear just about anywhere. They are also warm and hardwearing and go with almost anything.

4. Leavers hoodies are always good talking points. If you find it difficult to break the ice in new company, your hoodie will give you some help. You may be asked about your school or maybe someone will notice a name among your list of friends (if you have their names on your hoodie) and recognise it as the name of an acquaintance. The possibilities are endless. And if you meet other people wearing leavers hoodies, you will be able to take advantage of their hoodies to strike up a conversation.

5. You can always show off your hoodie. It doesn’t matter if you are at a party, at home, watching a game, at a festival or just plain walking down the street you can wear your leavers hoodie and remember those great times you had before graduation. What other graduation memento can you do that with? Photographs are fine for the wall or the sideboard at home and jewellery can go with you everywhere but it doesn’t really tell the story and no one apart from you will be able to tell what it is.

So there you have it. Leavers hoodies have to be the best graduation memento. And the beauty of them is that you can design your own and personalise it any way you like with companies like Clifton. Nothing else really matches up to a leavers hoodie.

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