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Choose the Ideal Venue for Your Wedding With These 3 Tips

So you’re finally engaged! You’ve told all your family and friends (and anyone else who cares to listen) about it, and you can’t wait to make all the preparations to ensure a blissful, beautiful wedding day. But once you begin planning everything, you quickly crash back down to reality and realise that planning a wedding is admittedly harder than you thought at the beginning.

But there’s no reason to panic or fret just yet. You can still have the wedding of your dreams as long as you plan everything carefully and choose wisely. One of the first things you should determine, once you have decided on your wedding date, is your wedding venue.

Granted, choosing a wedding venue can be difficult. You would want to know that the location for your wedding is perfect in every way. After all, your wedding is a special event that will change your life forever.



Think about the ceremony and reception

One thing you should remember is that there will be two stages in your wedding: the first is the ceremony, and the second is the reception. In choosing a venue, think about your options for the ceremony first. Do you want to get married in a church? If so, then you must plan your reception according to the

location of the church. Think of factors such as proximity and convenience to guests.

Capture great moments in a beautiful setting with a wedding photographer Italian villa

If you are planning to get married in a civil ceremony, then consider a venue which can host both your ceremony and your reception for the convenience of everyone. In this regard, you should choose a venue which has a license to hold marriage ceremonies.

Think about the number of guests

The number of guests will also determine the venue. If you have more of an intimate gathering with only a few friends and family, then you can settle for a smaller-sized venue. Of course, if you are considering inviting a few hundred guests, then your venue must be bigger. Outdoor venues such as gardens and lawns are ideal for this, as they can give your guests enough space to move. Even so, always make room for a few unexpected guests (at least 10 or so).

Also, consider the kind of entertainment you require. If you are planning to have a dance floor or a band, then you need a bigger space.

Think about your preferences

Of course, your preferences also come into play. Would you like to have your wedding at an historic location, like a castle or near some ancient ruins? On the other hand, you can choose to have your wedding at a hotel, where you have seemingly endless choices in themes and décor as well.

One trend now for couples is to have their wedding at a beautiful villa with luxurious amenities. The good aspect about this is that it is more personalised than a hotel venue, and accommodations are minutes away. If you want to get married in another location (like a beautiful and romantic Italian villa, for instance), ask for recommendations from experts such as an events planner or wedding photographer Italian villa.

Whatever venue you decide on, keep in mind that it should adhere to all your requirements. It is, after all, a once-in-a-lifetime event

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