Blogs and articles from writer and film maker, James Smith

James Smith's angle on movie news and reviews, arts, technology, music, and all things creative!

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James Smith moved from the world of IT and marketing in 2004 to write and produce documentaries and feature films. His local historical documentaries have twice won the UK's Pro Video Awards, and his first feature film is to be shot in Mexico in 2013. @jsmithwriter

MA450i noise isolating in-ear headphones

Within my work as a writer and filmmaker, I listen to plethora of media: music, podcasts, audio books, and of course video and movies. Much of the time, I’m situated on trains, aircraft, beside noisy computers, or even on yachts with masts clanking or wind blowing to add to the noise pollution with which I have to contend. Indeed, it seems that silence is a rare commodity, and therefore it was a pleasant surprise to acquire a set of RHA MA450i noise isolating in-ear headphones, with remote and microphone. These are designed for use with the iPod, IPhone, and iPad range of products.

First impressions when perusing the classy packaging alone, is one of quality. Clearly, this is a product for discerning listeners and addresses the high end of the market. The components are beautifully designed and manufactured and, with the distinctive black and silver RHA branding, certainly look the part. The braided cable at 1.5m is a refreshing change from the plastically feel of the standard Apple cables that seem to become easily entangled. The RHA’s cables are also sturdier and have a pleasant solid feel despite their flexibility. The remote with microphone is also sturdy, easily accessible, and simple to use, though takes a few minutes of familiarisation to control the volume and zip through the tracks.

In line with the high-spec nature of this product, the headphones come with a comprehensive choice of ear tips that you can use to achieve the best fit and most efficient noise isolation. And that’s where we come to the key feature of the MA450i: these are not ‘standard’ earphones by any means and not comparable in usage or sound quality. To explain further, the earphones are designed to be ‘in-ear’ so that they snuggly fit into your ear comfortably, and thus deliver not only excellent sound quality, but also virtually complete isolation from exterior ambient noise. If there is a slight downside, it does mean that you need to persevere with a bit of trial and error to select the correct ear tips, and become familiar with this type of in-ear fit. Unlike standard iPhone earplugs, the feeling of isolation is quite remarkable, and to some, might take a little getting used to. If you want to know what the sensation is like, just press your fingers to your ears and lightly make a seal.

But that’s just the beginning of the experience; the sound quality is awesome. I found all ranges of the audio spectrum impressive, but the lower end is particularly well defined such that returning to ‘standard’ earphones disconcerting. In comparison, the bass end of lower quality earphones sounds like a mushy wall of sound! That epitomises the quality of this product - once you have experienced the best, going back is a disappointing experience. A few words of warning, though: in order to achieve the best from the MA450i, you do need to select the correct ear tips and ensure the seal is good, otherwise, they’ll sound tinny and lose definition; in addition, the noise isolation is so effective that you need to be careful about your surroundings, especially if you’re out and about in the street, so read the safety tips inside the box.

Overall, a new and very positive listening experience for me, and despite all manner of noise pollution occurring outside, I can now pretty much shut it out with the RHA’s.

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Car Mania!

Car Mania!

2017 Update :

Original Post Follows

With the release of the Fast & Furious 6 movie this has been a week of bliss for petrolheads. I must admit I left the car craze behind in my twenties, but I did enjoy see the film last night, so be sure to check out my review

At the local cinema, they had an actual car used in filming parked outside.  Here are some pics:


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Day 14: Blogging España Style!

Well, it’s time to sign out from Spain. Two weeks is just not enough in this awe-inspiring country but I will return to bring more news next time of the fashion, food, lifestyle, and culture out here.

So, with a heavy heart, I’ll board the aircraft to London soon, hoping it’s not struck by lightning this time!

On a final note, stay tuned to Style Review, as I’ll be reviewing Fast & Furious 6 next week and getting up close and personal with one of the actual cars used in the film (one of the few that survived the crashes I assume).

Hasta la proxima!


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Day 13: Blogging España Style!

I’ve been in the ‘bubble’ of marina life for two weeks - much disconnected from the realities of working Spain - but just up the road here is the city of El Ejido that is worth a visit for a bit of local culture.

More a town than a city in size, it’s furiously hot and dusty in the summer and scares many tourists away with its unattractive industrial outskirts and ‘plasticos’ - a sea of greenhouses supporting the thriving local fruit and vegetable industry.

And yet, if you look under the surface, the city is rich in culture.  There is an abundance of restaurants and bars, and if you’re lucky, you might catch some Andaluz flamenco music, unforgettable and authentic.

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Day 12: Blogging España Style!

Today, under unusually leadened skies and after a strong ‘café con leche’, I took a stroll around the local flea market run by a German chap. The stallholders hailed from diverse backgrounds: local Spanish and Moroccan, plus German and English nationals. There’s a bizarre mix of stuff on offer from some fairly exotic-looking furniture and antiques, to DVDs, bohemian jewellery, books, tools, and television sets. A good place to get a bargain and brush up on the haggling skills.


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Day 11: Blogging España Style!

Today, this rather large American-owned sailing catamaran pulled into the mooring just opposite.  Like a 'lounge on floats', the Lagoon 620 seems to have every luxury imaginable on board.  I personally prefer the handling and look of monohulls, but you have to admire the effort put into the design of this high end yacht.

Price tag?  Take a deep breath... about £1.3m excluding VAT.


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