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CRUISE your way to Spring with Floral designer wear

CRUISE your way to Spring with Floral designer wear

With Spring just around the corner, CRUISE have got a stunning selection of vivid and arresting floral designs that will help wash away your wardrobe's winter blues.

Explore collections from Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Ted Baker and Givenchy for the inspiration you've been looking for...

Shop The Floral Prints NOW

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3842 Hits

Cruise Spring Summer Promo Code Sports Luxe


Some great ideas from CRUISE to get into shape for the summer it starts around now ! There is nothing like looking good to make you feel like getting that run started.

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3171 Hits

Get ready for the colourful summer!

With summer approaching we can already see the weather improving and parts of the south of England have even been promised a heat wave is on its way! Phew, and we thought we were going to be stuck in the cold, miserable winter months for the rest of the year.

So, now Mr. Sunshine has peaked his head out and put his hat on isn’t it time we started to think about upgrading our wardrobe from winter to summer? We certainly think so. Throw your thick North Face coat to the back of the wardrobe and forget about it for another year, its time to think about, colours, patterns, t-shirts, dresses, shorts and anything else summer related!

Summer fashion gives us so much more choice than winter fashion does, we can experiment with colours and patterns we wouldn’t even dream of in the winter months. The high street is becoming filled with a fantastic range of summer wear which is just irresistible. Brands such as Carhartt and other streetwear brands are giving us a sporty yet stylish way to enjoy summer this year. Carhartt is available at

As well as Carhartt, Vans and Converse have fantastic new and bright designs for us to choose from, these shoes are the perfect choice for both men, women, boys and girls and are guaranteed to look great and feel great no matter what your outfit choice if for that day. The summer is all about having fun in the sun, so make sure you explore you colour choices and brighten up your day with a bright and colourful outfit.

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4589 Hits

Cold Spring? How To Stay Stylish Through This Long Winter

It seems the weather isn’t going in our favour these days, with all the snow and wintery weather still looming. It’s meant to be spring with sun and blue skies! Instead we are waking up to a fresh blanket of snow every morning. This just isn’t on. What about all those spring pieces we have all gone out and bought in preparation for the nicer weather? How are we meant to wear them when it’s minus temperatures outside? A spring dress does not match well with three inches of snow, I think we all agree on that.


So how do you save those spring pieces from being forgotten about? Well its time to dig out a few of those winter woollies you thought you had put away for another year. Take a look at some of our ideas for cold spring style.



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11223 Hits