What Are The Parameters Of Choosing The Right Light Bulbs?

Who does not wish for a well illuminated room in their homes? A reader has always desired that perfect radiance on his book to take pleasure of reading his or her favorite novel. Well what I am trying to emphasize on is that having an appropriate luminance is an essential factor. Be it a normal task like working on your laptop or intense tasks like studying or sewing, correct lighting plays a vital role. For this very purpose choosing light bulbs becomes extremely significant task.

Most of us ignore this aspect of our lives. We close the eyes to the fact that such carelessness may result in weak eyesight. There are chances of accidents to occur flighting is not correct. You might get a cut on your finger while chopping in dim light or probably slip-off the floor in the bathrooms. So picking up appropriate light bulbs is indispensable for everyone for safety issues.

Here are few parameters one should keep in mind while selecting the light bulbs for their homes or offices:

Recognize the purpose of lighting

Well there is no doubt to the fact that one would pick lighting options as per the requirements. By requirement, I mean that you would have to pick light bulbs according to the functionality of the room. If you want to fit the fixture in your study, you should pick the one with more power. Similarly you can go for dim lights with regulators for your bedroom so you can change the intensity according to your mood.

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3145 Hits

How Do Steroids Work?

Anabolic Steroids Steroid use is extremely dangerous.

You may have considered anabolic steroids but are unsure because you do not know exactly how they work. It is important to know what you are putting into your body, and what it is doing. The first thing to know is that steroids do not work on their own, but need to be used alongside exercise and a balanced diet.

Anabolic steroids have similar effects to testosterone, a hormone naturally found in the body. As men age, they produce less testosterone which results in a loss of strength. This inevitably means that they are capable of less exercise and cannot work out to the same extent, which leads to a decrease in muscle mass. Using a testosterone supplement boosts the body’s levels, increasing energy and stamina. This means that you can work out for longer and lift heavier, making for a more effective regime.

Anabolic steroids stimulate muscle growth and increase protein production, which makes up muscle. Steroids must be taken alongside an effective work out, when they can help you to exercise for longer. Different steroids do different things, and it is important to choose the right one for you. Trenbolone increases your muscles’ ability to take in nitrogen from the bloodstream, which allows them to work harder and longer. Likewise, Sustanon raises your erythrocyte count, which can result in better endurance, energy and power.

Steroids like Winstrol reduce water in the body, which can reveal muscle that may be unnoticeable before, giving you a toned, chiselled look. Deca Durabolin and Sustanon, among other things, boost recovery so that you can return to working out quicker. Clenbuterol can boost the rate at which body fat is metabolised, as well as increasing oxygen transportation through your body, making exercise easier and more effective.

There are considerable dangers associated with steroid use yet they are readily available just like other drugs. You should not use steroids for many reasons not least the fact that they damage your health and kill you. Forget today for a moment and think about living with the consequences of using steroids for the rest of your life. Now that is a life scentence!

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1614 Hits

Jewellery I've Made With Swarovski Elements

Swarovski Crystals

When I was twelve, I became interested in making my own jewellery from my bedroom. I started out making friendship bracelets and hemp bracelets with shells, but I then started to design and make necklaces and earrings too. There is something quite relaxing about sitting on your own with a pile of beads, wire and tools, and it is very rewarding to see something take form in front of your eyes. That’s why I continued to make jewellery all the way through my teenage years and into adulthood, although I became pickier about the materials I used to do the job.

During my university years, I worked part time at a bead shop which opened my eyes to the range of materials and tools available and it is there that I found Swarovski Elements including many beautiful crystal beads. I think these are my favourite beads to use for making jewellery as they always give everything a premium look, and my friends and family love to wear the pieces I make with them. Here are a couple of items I’ve made with them to get you thinking about your own designs...

Charm bracelets

There is something so simple, yet gorgeous, about using Swarovski elements for your charm bracelets. This is especially true because of the colour crystal hearts you can buy, which makes them an excellent idea for Valentine’s Day gifts, or even as birthday presents. The good thing is that the hearts come in a range of different sizes, which means you can pair up the charms to the size of the chain, as well as the age of the recipient. To use these heart elements, I’d advise using metal loops or good quality wire that you’ve shaped yourself using jewellery tools.


In my opinion, making earrings is one of the best craft activities in existence. You can let your imagination run wild before figuring out how best to execute your idea. If I’ve got a thought about creating a beautiful drop earring I’ll always choose a Swarovski element to do the job as the colours and shapes are so stunning. By using a coloured crystal bead at the top, and then adjoining it to a faceted crystal drop, you’ll make something that would easily be on sale in your favourite high street stores (for a fraction of the price!).

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5178 Hits

Victorian Decor.7 + Ideas for Your Home

As the name suggests, Victorian décor is greatly influenced by the Victorian Age, but today it is not an exact historical replica and emphasizes ornate, elegant, formal, but rich details. Today decoration of this kind is one of the most intricate and secret hides in fabrics, colors, decorations, furniture and many other things, which are full and elaborate. 

Walls & Curtains 

Paint is the basis of any Victorian décor scheme. The colors should be deep and rich, but not vibrant, modern-looking or bright. They are toned-down, muted and look like old-fashioned ones. In Victorian times the most popular colors were dark green, gold/amber and deep red. Today any deep color will work great. 

For walls you can also choose dark pink, purple, burgundy or mauve. One more great idea to complement the Victorian décor is to add wallpaper borders and crown molding. Using more than one color while decorating is also a good idea. 

Floral damask as well as flocked velvet wallpapers is considered to be a perfect choice to enhance the walls of rooms featuring the décor of the Victorian Age. 

Windows, Floors & Rugs 

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4058 Hits

Contact Lenses: Tips on How to Pick the Perfect Pair

Contact Lenses: Tips on How to Pick the Perfect Pair

Choosing the perfect pair of contact lenses isn't easy. There are almost limitless options today, from cosmetic to highly practical lenses. Between the variety of manufacturers, lens types, and lens wear lengths, it can take a while to decide what kind of contact lenses you want. If you don't choose the right type, you can waste money very easily. Hard lenses tend to cost a significant amount of money since they last so long, after all. 
When buying lenses, listen to the advice of your eye doctor but be sure you're making your own decision. Buying lenses online by using the prescription is popular so that you don't have to pay the steep fee many eye doctors who also sell contacts will charge you. Here are some factors to consider when choosing contact lenses. 

Do you want cosmetic changes?

Some contact lenses change your appearance - for example, theatrical lenses may give you a demonic or angelic look, Halloween lenses can give you cat eyes or a scary Dracula appearance, and so on. Other changes are subtler, such as contacts that brighten your eyes or change your eye color without making you look non-human. 
Disposable or extended-wear?

Some types of contact lenses are created to be disposable. For example, if you decide that you want to avoid the hassle of cleaning and storing lenses, you can choose daily disposable lenses and wear them once, then throw them out. They tend to be a more expensive option over the long term if you do this every day, however. Extended-wear lenses cost more upfront but you continue to use them for weeks or months. Typically, rigid lenses are extended-wear contacts, but soft lenses come in both disposable and extended-wear versions. 
Hard or soft material?

Soft lenses may feel more comfortable initially, but they are harder to clean and many people find hard lenses more comfortable once you get used to wearing them. The benefits of soft lenses include lower chances of infections from improper cleaning, greater comfort, and sometimes UV protection. However, they can absorb pollutants and dry out your eyes, and they tend to be more fragile. Hard lenses include rigid gas permeable (RGP or GP) lenses, which can give you clearer vision and are very durable over the long term. 
Do you need bifocals?

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4808 Hits

A Guide to Buying Your Tumble Dryer

If you’ve decided you and your family need a tumble dryer then there is a whole world of choice in front of you. When looking at the vast range of tumble dryers on the market you may not know where to begin and there are a number of questions you should ask yourself. Here are the key questions and their answers so you’re already armed when going to look for your dream dryer.

Do I need a washer-dryer?

This is something many people consider and basically, if you already have a quality washing machine why would you replace it? Similarly, a combined machine would be much less energy efficient than your two separate machines. They generally have less features and are more time consuming, so you can only have one load in at a time.

Will it send my electricity bills sky high?

If you use your tumble dryer and completely forget about your washing line, even in the sun, then you can expect increased bills. However A and A+ models are proud to be energy efficient and therefore choosing one of these means that of course they will add to your bill but it won’t be an unmanageable amount.

What types of dryer are there on the market?

There are two main types of tumble dryers currently available:


Vented dryers do what they say on the tin –  they use an air vent so they don’t overheat. They need to be placed against an outside wall with a hole drilled out so the hose can be pushed outwards. The hose removes the hot air creating during the drying process and releases it outside. Some people choose to put them out of the window but this isn’t really a long term option.

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