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Infantastic Practical Travel Cot

Infantastic is a German online store that specialises in, well you guessed it, products for infants. I recently purchased a travel cot via Amazon, and I must say, I am well and truly impressed. Although it has no formal name, the travel cot from which I bought from this company is simply a fantastic and very practical product. I have been informed that the NHS doesn’t endorse the use of the travel cot as permanent bedding for an infant, however I beg to differ and I really want to emphasize the practicality, the value for money and quality of this particular product.

I am led to believe that the health services advise against the use of the travel cot on a daily basis purely for the supposed facts that it doesn’t do your Childs back any good. The removable mattress provided with this particular product is very sturdy and although has “trenches” every few inches generally feels comfy. Even if this puts you off there is a solution to the issue, simply place a thick quilt over the top of the mattress so your infant can’t feel the trenches.

Best Travel Cots

There are a number of great inovations currently in the travel cot arena. We look at a few videos and give our travel cot review for you.

Visit our best travel cots article now.

Infantastic Travel Cots on Amazon


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