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Do's and Don’ts When Moving Into a First Apartment

There are few things in life more satisfying and exciting as moving into your first apartment. Whether you're renting or buying, your new place will give you complete freedom to decorate it in a way that reflects your personality and provides the comfort you yearn for. However, before you rush into the whole process, bear in mind that such a reloca...
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Real Estate Trends That Are Shaping the Way We Live

While it may not be apparent to everyone at first glance, everything we do is intertwined. From the clothes we choose to wear to the lifestyle choices we choose to make, everything is closely connected in the great scheme of things. A single decision we make leads to a result that will affect our next decision to a certain extent, and on and on it ...
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How to create a minimalist look in your home

Many people strive to create a modern and minimalistic feel in their homes. The clean look and tidy surroundings have made a 21st century impression on many people who despise clutter and visual distractions. The modern design has become a popular trend, especially on those whose main focus is the function of their home. It can be tough to create such surroundings, so we have put together a quick guide to what you may need to create this minimalistic feel.

The first thing you will need to consider is what kind of flooring you want in your home. For a minimalist look try not to use complex designs or patterns, a good quality wooden floor, such as the ones available at All Floors Express. Of course, you can use ceramic tiles, laminated flooring, Vinyl and create a simple and stunning look.

When it comes to colours, white is definitely the obvious choice, its clean and pristine looking. However, don’t think that white is the only colour you can use when creating a minimalistic look. A splash of vibrant colour will add warmth and a homey feel to every room. Bright colours, including white will also give the room a lighter appearance.

The biggest thing in any room is the furniture, so it is always best to simplify a room by looking at the furniture. The fewer pieces of furniture you have in a room the better. Think of which furniture can be eliminated without sacrificing comfort and liveability. Go for a few pieces of plain, simple furniture with solid, subdued colours.

The key to creating a minimal home is to use only items that are important and essential to you. Things and furniture that you need are the only ones that you should keep. If you think you lack some essential stuff, then you may also add some. But essentially, you need to do away with those you don’t really need.

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