Style Blog

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5 Reasons Why Millennials Prefer Suburbs over Big Cities

Time is passing and Millennials are growing older and as they begin the next stage of their lives that involves marriage, kids and career choices, they're leaving the big busy cities in search of a more comfortable and affordable life in suburbs. According to research data by the U.S. Census Bureau, around 27,000 millennials aged between 25 an...
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  1741 Hits
1741 Hits

Do's and Don’ts When Moving Into a First Apartment

There are few things in life more satisfying and exciting as moving into your first apartment. Whether you're renting or buying, your new place will give you complete freedom to decorate it in a way that reflects your personality and provides the comfort you yearn for. However, before you rush into the whole process, bear in mind that such a reloca...
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  1485 Hits
1485 Hits

Real Estate Trends That Are Shaping the Way We Live

While it may not be apparent to everyone at first glance, everything we do is intertwined. From the clothes we choose to wear to the lifestyle choices we choose to make, everything is closely connected in the great scheme of things. A single decision we make leads to a result that will affect our next decision to a certain extent, and on and on it ...
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  1548 Hits
1548 Hits

Three of the Best Japanese Restaurants in Dubai

Dubai is known for being a melting pop of cultures and nationalities, with a high percentage of the city's population made up of foreigners who have relocated for work and a number of other reasons. With that, there are a number of restaurants who offer delicious cuisine from across the globe – including Japanese restaurants – that serve up a numbe...
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  4119 Hits
4119 Hits