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Aerial filming of everyday operations at Mexico International Airport by Drone

Aerial filming of everyday operations at Mexico International Airport by Drone

This video was made under full supervision and at all times the drone pilot was in communication with the tower and each aeroplane. There are currently no laws on drone filming in Mexico and many other countries. This will lead to some amazing footage like seen in this video.

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Call of Duty is Back ADVANCED WARFARE

Call of Duty is Back ADVANCED WARFARE

Kevin spacey wrinkles crows feet meticulously modeled in 3d for your authoritative leadership

It looks like for me a return to the Call Of Duty status after my defection to serous BF4 gaming under the gamertag 'landed' on xbox - find me. Yes I didnt go for the last release as I got bored with them simply not changing the game enough. I need to make a call to I also switch to xbox one or ps4 before buying this game ? Next gen gaming is here but I love still my 360.

We are informed in the video ad that this is a remdelled COD not just tweaked and that is what we demanded and what stopped my and turned me to big map warefare and BF4. 

watch the trailer yourself.

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An example of me being weird

I am weird it is often said, and here is an example. A small thing that makes me happy : Im taking today an item to the rubbish tip that has had its full life and beyond. I'm talking about my dive bag. The zip had stopped working luckily it had 2 openings and had jammed shut ! The linings inside had gone but it still worked. The cockroaches from antigua decided to find a better life elsewhere and today it is getting its rightful place on the landfill. It worries me that we throw so much away, moreso that this bothers only me. Today i got a full life from a product tool, we all ask a full well lived life and we should do the same of our products. The bag was an old carlise roller duffle and i managed to replace with the same kind as it was so useful. It said dont bother trying to find anything of value inside too.

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Battlefield 4 meets gamerdj

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2555 Hits

Quads Multi Rotor RC models aka Drones or UAV 's a new trend in luxury toys ?

I hate the word Drone, UAV is also not used often - quads could mean the wheeled variety and they often have more then 4 motors but most often 4. Toys like the parrot AR Drone are simply very impressive with what they bring to your smart phone or tablet. Aerial photograpy is another avenue of interest but by far and away the most interesting fature of these toys is the fact that you can FPV.

FPV - First Person View. This is where you pilot the model as if you were in it via a camera feed. This allows you to fly it far away and if it goes out of range features like RTH or Return to Home brings the thing right back to where you took off from. There is an amazing video of one that flies out to sea and comes back

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2125 Hits

Personal Camera System and Go Pro DIY mount for backpack

Personal Camera System and Go Pro DIY mount for backpack

I have long thought (maybe a couple of years) that it is a matter of time before we have clothing that has a 'standard' mount inside say the jacket or similar. It may be that on your walk home nothing happened. But like many cyclists will tell you its for the days that something does happen that you wish you had the evidence. Already on cars it would have given my friend a chance at getting to the responsible (irresponsible driver ?) person who's lorry shed a brick which bounced into his car. Video evidence is great for cars. A video should just also detect motion so that it turns on and off as needed and I found perhaps the perfect video product from china for this. I digress slightly as this is about personal mounting systems in the videos case a backpack. Do check the cyclists in London fighting back by having bike mounted go pro cameras getting motorists and bus drivers in digital reality should they decide to ignore you on the road. Equally you may be the motorist and are able to show that it was not your fault. Yes folks video evidence in car in person is a new thing to come. I think car manufactureres will start to build this in in time.

SO staying positive or more so CREATIVE this video shows how to take PVC piping and connectors to make a frame and hold your go pro or other camera. I'm not sure you need to glue it (the inner frame) but would wait and make final adjustments before doing that. I also thought that the arm looked way too long , needed for 3rd person looking at yourself. I prefer outward looking capture as a personal thing anyway it looks weird looking at yourself walking in amazing scenery when the audience simply wants to see what you see anyway.

Related video : DIY Ski Pole Mount (DIY Pole Mount GOPRO)

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