Style Blog

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Ways to Make Your Home More Appealing to Guests

Having guests can be a challenge, especially if your home isn't in the state you want it to be. Renovating your house can be an expensive and sometimes even long task, and for many, spending a lot on home decor is a big expense, considering the cost of rent, bills and the rest. But no worries, here we've got some tips on how to make your home more ...
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1617 Hits

Why Is Trading a Great Career Choice for Women

The vibe that the trading industry gives off is similar to the one of the "men-only" club. The doors are closed shut and we can only get a sneak peek of what is going on behind them. However, if we consider the huge shift in gender roles that's been on the rise for some time now, this idea is slowly starting to dissipate. Lately, daring women are s...
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1885 Hits

7 Most Hashtagged Interior Design Trends

​Looking through hashtags is one of my favourite ways to discover what's big right now (and one of the quickest too!)  - I think that's why I am so in love with this infographic made by
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1331 Hits

5 Furniture Pieces That Can Refresh Your Home

Your home is an extension of who you are. As such, not any kind of decor will do. Of course, with so many things to do and so many of life's challenges to complete, you can't always focus on your decor. As well as that, you're constantly growing as a person, meaning that your home needs to grow with you. What reflected your personality perfectly a ...
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1666 Hits

Moving Out List: Should It Stay Or Should It Go?

 Whether you're excited about relocating to a new place or you're actually more worried about the upcoming things, moving home is never an easy task to perform. It can be costly in many ways, as it is often both time and money consuming, as well as nerve-wracking. Fortunately, there are some tricks that you can apply and make this transition a...
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4314 Hits

2019 Summer Tips for Surviving a Travel Adventure with a Baby

photo-1492725764893-90b379c2b6e7 mother and a baby
 Getting ready for your first trip with a newborn can seem like a daunting task. With hundreds of questions filling your mind, it's important to stay calm, cool, and collected. Although you can't predict every possible bump on the road, you can still do many things to prepare as best as you can. There are ways to make this work. Keeping your l...
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  1759 Hits
1759 Hits