10 Common Reasons Why You Feel Tired All Day
Do you hardly remember a time when you were full of energy, optimistic, and cheerful? Do you wake up in the morning already looking forward to the next time you can go to sleep? You are not alone.
Check out the common reasons you may always be tired and consider some improvements that can help you live your life to its fullest.
You skip breakfastThis is the most common sin of modern people. You may want to get additional minutes of sleep, so you sacrifice your breakfast time. This does more harm than good. The first meal of the day is crucial. Breakfast gives you enough energy for half of a day. Did you notice that many people tend to be more alert after lunch?
If you skip meals, you will not have enough calories to launch your metabolism and maintain energy levels throughout the day. However, a hearty unbalanced breakfast can also make you feel tired. To help your body function at its highest level, eat whole grains, small amounts of protein, and fruits and vegetables for breakfast.
You don't get enough sunlightIt's a good idea to sleep in a dark room, but definitely don't spend your whole day with the curtains closed. When you are exposed to sunlight, melatonin production starts in the first minutes of dusk. By the time you go to bed, you are ready to fall asleep and t you can sleep easily. In addition, sunlight replenishes your body with vitamin D and gives your body and brain a regular rhythmic schedule.
DehydrationYou may not be aware of this, but dehydration can often make you feel tired because toxins are not excreted from dehydrated organs. Even mild dehydration leads to a decrease in blood volume and blood thickening. This makes the heart less efficient by reducing the rate at which it pumps oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and organs. So go to the kitchen and pour yourself a glass of water.
Lack of ironIron deficiency is responsible for your feeling of chronic fatigue, irritability, weakness, and inability to concentrate. Add more iron-containing products to prevent the risk of anemia. Eat beef, beans, tofu, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, and combine them with foods containing vitamin C, as they improve the absorption of iron.
You are a perfectionistDo you like to lie in bed after midnight and check your work emails? Do you tinker with paperwork on your vacation? Give it up. You strive to be perfect, which is fundamentally impossible. Set a limit on the time you spend on business, otherwise, it can end badly.
When you surf your gadgets in bed, you may feel extremely sluggish even after eight hours of sleep. Of course, it is important to sleep long enough, but it is equally important to have a good quality sleep.
Too much anxietyAre you too afraid to drive because you see yourself in an accident? Are you worried about an extraordinary call from your bosses and expect to be fired right away? The worst-case scenario is always in your head, and this is the path to emotional exhaustion. It is more powerful than you think. Create a way to cope with your anxiety. It can be meditation, sports, cycling, or books. Anything that stops the horror movie in your head.
Lack of physical activityThis is a paradox, but for the body to feel good, it must be made even more tired. Yes, life is not fair. Still, a sedentary lifestyle is quite dangerous for overall health. If you sit all day in front of a laptop, you may feel pain and stiffness in your neck, back, head, and feel fatigue.
According to research, people who did light exercises three times a week for 20 minutes reported an improvement in their well-being. The cardiovascular system becomes more blithesome by delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.
Violated circadian rhythmsSleeping too long can cause fatigue throughout the day. Excess sleep misinforms your internal biological rhythms and confuses the part of the brain that regulates the body's circadian cycle.
Staying awake on Saturday or Sunday night and then sleeping off for half a day is a bad idea. Try to either normalize your schedule, or take a half-hour nap at lunchtime. Sleeping for 20 minutes allows the body to recover without plunging into deep sleep phases, which can then trigger feelings of fatigue.
You may have food intoleranceDiet plays an important role in keeping our body fit. Research shows that there are three main food groups that can cause fatigue in some people: dairy, gluten, and nightshade fruits and vegetables. It is best to consult with your doctor or dietitian to figure out the right diet for your lifestyle.
While we're talking about products, try to watch your sugar and caffeine intake. And never ever drink alcohol to fall asleep faster. Alcohol has a sedative effect on the nervous system, but it suppresses your REM sleep phase.
Medical conditionsThere is a list of medical conditions that can contribute to fatigue. Certain chronic illnesses such as allergies and hay fever can cause severe bouts of tiredness. Other diseases, such as anemia and diabetes, can alter iron levels in the body and affect blood sugar levels, causing fatigue. Sleep problems and unnatural slowness can also be caused by menopause, depression, and anxiety.
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