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Industrial Product Design : Future Products 4

Millenium Falcon Bottle Opener

Of course you can play with this when not using it as a bottle opener. Just check out the detailing ! This is never going to get old nor unloved.

Arm - inserted control.

Now this is more the new Total Recall that I was talking about having a phone in your palm. This is a more ugly and not very well designed vision but the idea has some merit though you have to imagine a better interface with less clutter.

If Apple did jewellery II - return of the ring

Not for me this one - not at all as cool as the other bangle in future products II

Sony Slide Out

Again some good photoshop trickery here  - this product doesn't exist for god reason - might look cool at first glance but why ? I guess they are trying to solve the problem of fitting a keyboard in somewhere - much like the stay - go laptops and slates of today #FAIL

Shoe Thrusters

With these you will loose 20lbs ! They supply anti gravity effect. Either that or they are for the asbo toting youth as a way to report their location. #FAIL but good for some kind of inspiration as its weird things which jog your brain.

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