Stay on top: Smartphones driving your sales
Mobile is bigger than ever before, and it seems we are quickly moving more towards a world where smartphones are used for almost everything. The Mobile World Conference showed new features being added to current smartphones on the market as well as new competitors in the smartphone manufacturing market. From here, there will only be more new and exciting features that will allow us to do more than we ever thought was possible. That is why it is so important for your company to get involved in mobile marketing. If not a major factor already, smartphones will be driving most of your sales soon, so it is time to get on board. Here are a few things to focus on when marketing towards mobile.
Get your website ready
Almost every business out there has a business, and most of them function pretty well. The problem is that a lot of companies have neglected to focus on mobile compatibility with their smartphones. A new study found that 56 percent of consumer traffic to leading US websites now comes from mobile devices, according to Marketing Land. That number has been and is expected to continue to go up, especially as new phones are coming out that have the same functionality as a desktop. Make sure your website is up to date for both desktop and mobile sites, and keep up with mobile functionality and trends since it is becoming more and more important.
Communication with every member of the family
Another thing to consider is your access to different audiences through mobile. In the past, companies have focused their marketing efforts on parents for things that teenagers and children want because there was no direct line to the children. Every family owns one or two computers, but every person in the family likely owns a mobile phone. That means you can target very specific audiences and customers with your marketing. This is especially true with SMS where you can actually communicate back and forth with your customers directly. It used to be that you'd throw an ad up on a billboard or in a commercial and just hope most of your target audience would see it. Now, you can specifically text your customers with the information they need or even allow them to text you asking questions about your product or service.
Transparency is key
It used to not be as important, but now and days, transparency is what customers want. They have access to so much information and can ask the internet about the truth of your company. It is easier if you simply provide transparency by providing as much information as possible about your company online. One great way to do this is through social media. People who have smartphones spend a good portion of their time on social media, so being able to reach them there to publicly answer questions and concerns will help you gain the trust you need.
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