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How to Turn Your Flat Roof into a Luxurious Patio?


One of the problems that every homeowner encounters at one point in their life is the fact that they don't have enough room to execute all their plans. What if they need some extra workspace? What if they plan to make a gym in their home but lack space? What if they want a recharge room, but every corner of the house is already occupied? Well, those who have a flat roof on their home usually have one more option to exploit. With that in mind and without further ado, here's how to turn your flat roof into a luxurious patio.

  • Wooden Deck

The first thing you want is a work surface in the form of a wooden deck. This is ideal for areas that don't receive much rainfall over the course of a year. Even in this case, you can optimize the area with the use of shade sail in order to provide cover from sun and rain. The deck will provide you with a leveled, warm surface on which you can further arrange the living area in question. The cost of this will depend on the surface of the roof; however, you don't have to cover the area in its entirety. For those who want to go for something more waterproof, PVC vinyl decking is a suitable replacement, especially since there are additional options at your disposal.

  • A Rooftop Garden

For those who plan to transform their rooftop into a natural resort, there's nothing that beats the idea of a rooftop garden. Here, you have so many options. Raised flowerbeds, pot planters, and many other notions need to fit the overall theme. This way, you get to enrich the area with some vegetation and provide yourself with a more stimulating environment. Even if all you plan to do on your roof is to use it as a reading nook, you still benefit from getting to do so in nature. The choice of plants is entirely up to you.

  • Other Flooring Options

Other than the deck, you can also go for something a tad more extravagant and weatherproof. We're talking about ceramic tiles. There are so many options out there, and it all comes down to what is it that you really want. One of the possible objectives is for you to go for elegant mosaic tiles in order to create a unique roof area for all your visitors to enjoy. The texture itself can create a strong psychological impression under your toes when walking on the surface barefooted. This makes some of the on-roof activities even more interesting.

  • Carpets and Mats

Adding an outdoor rug to the roof will add another dimension to the experience of spending your time there. Namely, the soft, fuzzy texture of the carpet can encourage one to spend their time up there barefooted. Also, if you plan to use this area for exercise (yoga, calisthenics, etc.) you may cover the floor with mats and soft flooring options. Just keep in mind that vibrations from exercise (let's say skipping rope) might disturb people who are bellow, which is… well, less than ideal.

  • Outdoor Home Office

Another fantastic idea for you to explore is the concept of the outdoor home office. All you need to do is get some adequate seating options out there and place your Wi-Fi router so that you're 100 percent sure that there's a decent signal reach on the roof. As for the seating, lazy bags are the optimal solution. Lastly, even for those who plan to use a laptop for work, the chances are that you will want an extra source of power, so that you can recharge your devices without having to head downstairs.

  • Lighting

The very last thing worth mentioning is the fact that, if you want to enjoy the rooftop of your home at night, you might want to consider installing some lights out there. Traditional LED lights will do just fine; however, when it comes to stargazing, you can easily do without them. As for the shape, size, and positioning of these lights, you can feel free to go wild with design. Still, keep in mind that it's still a genuine outdoor, nighttime experience, which is why opting for minimalism might be your safest bet.

In conclusion

The very last thing you need to keep in mind is the fact that there are so many ways to make your rooftop luxurious. Why? Well, because the very term luxurious is quite broad and prone to interpretation. Just keep it simple and make sure that every single element that you incorporate has its place in the larger scheme of things. Also, keep in mind that expensive and luxurious are not synonyms, which is why you can't expect to solve all your design issues by overpaying various elements. A bit of careful planning goes a long way. 

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