4 minutes reading time (718 words)

Interior Decor - 6 Ways to Refresh Your Living Room

A living room is a central spot in your home. This is the place where your family spends time together, where you entertain guest and relax after a busy day. But, over time, the same design can become tiring and frustrating so here are 6 ways to refresh your living room and make it better.

It's time for serious decluttering

Before you start doing any changes to the design, you need to declutter your living room in order to really see what could use a makeover. If you want to help your budget, organize a yard sale or simply donate the things you don't need anymore.
However, after you clean everything up and free your space from clutter, you will have to keep it that way. This is possible by adding storage solutions to your living room like new shelves or furniture with additional space to store things, like an ottoman. 
Also consider mirrored furniture which of course gives the appearance of space. If you don't need to save space they actually exude class and style.

Give it a new color scheme

A new color scheme can bring a lot of change to space and breath a new life to your décor. Lighter tones like beige and yellow are perfect to expand the space and wake it up. Neutral shades like chiffon and mint will work well with minimalist design and go well with colorful furniture.
However, you can also add a splash of dark tones here and there to create a more layered ambiance and depth of space. Navy blue and dark green are perfect for furniture or a carpet, while plum is ideal to paint on one wall and create a diverse color palette.

Change some details

In case you can't make big changes, then concentrate on details like artwork or plants. Replacing a painting with a new one can greatly improve the impression of your living room. Alternatively, adding some artwork will do the same just pay attention not to suffocate the space with too many visual stimuli.
If you want to revive your space, add a plant here and there of all sizes, from big leafy ones in the corner to succulents on your coffee table. Additionally, new curtains, cushions or rug can introduce new features and therefore refresh your décor.

Expand your living room

Expanding your living room is a great way to create more free space to move and feel comfortable. This is easy to do by rearranging the furniture and even replacing it with more practical solutions. Not to mention that new furniture will immediately refresh the look of your living space.
For example, multipurpose furniture has more than one function and therefore is perfect for small spaces. A coffee table can be a storage unit and a chair when needed, while you can use the stairs as a bookshelf and add drawers to the dining table for utensils and plates.

Make décor void of distractions

If you have a fireplace, glass for walls or simply like your décor organic, then a TV can be a distraction and even ruin the overall feel you were going for. But, since the living room is also a place where you spend time with your family and friends, it's hard to say goodbye to this electronic commodity. Instead of removing it consider concealing your TV with motorized lifting devices or inside of a cabinet. This will help you maintain clean design and at the same time allow you to keep your TV set right where it is.

Bring in the natural light

Natural light is very important to give your home freshness and wake up space. Use transparent curtains that will allow light to enter the room as much as possible without bothering you. If you don't have big enough windows and renovations are not an option, then use mirrors to spread the light all over your place. Take a good look at your lighting scheme at night and consider positioning lamps on more than one place to create a soothing ambiance and open up space.

Final thoughts

A few details here and there can have the same impact as big renovations, so don't be afraid to change things even if you have a tight budget. These 5 ways to refresh your living room are perfect tricks to reinvent your home and yourself with it.
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Guest - Toby Ryan (website) on Thursday, 02 April 2020 15:26

Thank you for explaining how you can minimize clutter in a room by utilizing furniture with storage compartments. My son tends to leave his toys all over the living room, and I would like to find a way to store them for when I invite guests over for house parties. Maybe I should look for some attractive furniture that can help declutter my home.

Thank you for explaining how you can minimize clutter in a room by utilizing furniture with storage compartments. My son tends to leave his toys all over the living room, and I would like to find a way to store them for when I invite guests over for house parties. Maybe I should look for some attractive furniture that can help declutter my home.
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