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How To Stay Fit When You’re Stuck Behind A Desk All Day

How To Stay Fit When You’re Stuck Behind A Desk All Day


Whether you want to admit it or not, full time job from 9AM to 5PM is the reality for most of us. Usually, you’re working overtime, so instead of regular eight, you’re staying more than ten hours at work. Of course you will earn more money if you work more, but there are also some disadvantages included. Most of the time spent on your job you’re probably sitting. Even if you move from time to time, you’re restricted to a couple of rooms.  Most frequent movements are walking between short distances such as your working spot to the printer, your colleague’s desk or going to the head office for some reason. The consequence of this way of life is definitely overweight.

If you wonder is there a solution, of course there is. With a little discipline you’ll be able to stay fit even if you’re if you want to keep your office job for many years.

Morning and evening workout

Get up a little bit earlier. We’re not saying you should change your morning rituals like taking a shower or drinking a coffee. However, there’s another, more effective way to wake you up. Do some stretching exercises just before you get out of bed. You’ll feel better and have enough positive energy to start your day. We know hard it is in the beginning, but once it becomes your habit, it will be no problem at all. It’s easier to exercise with your friends. First of all, this is a great opportunity to see your friends in the first place and talk with them about what’s new, while you’re doing some easy evening workout.

Stand whenever you can

You’ll see that it’s much easier to stay focused on your job if you‘re standing more. If you’re sitting constantly for few hours, you’ll get tired more quickly. Here’s a trick: drink lots of water during the day. Not only your brain and body will be hydrated but you’ll take frequent toilet breaks. There’s an opportunity to walk to the bathroom, wash your hand and face and take a breath.


If you don’t have so much time to practice you can always try with a diet combined with a detox tea. Healthy diet is the key to a good figure. Avoid eating junk food such as burgers, pizza, French fries, chicken wings etc. These are full of unhealthy cholesterol which is the main cause of fat around the waist.

Encourage yourself

There’re many ways you can remind yourself to exercise. For instance you can write yourself reminders on self-adhesive memo notes and place them somewhere to be visible. On the other hand, you can blackmail yourself: if you don’t go to the gym afternoon, you cannot drink wine in the evening.

With a little sacrifice and some effort you’ll be satisfied with your looks and appearance. You’ll be more confident with yourself enjoying in each day. Good organization is the key of success.


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