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How can you find out whether it is a cheapest sulfate free shampoo or not?

Whenever a product has Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate in its ingredient's list, it means it contains sulfate.They're also represented by SLS or ALS in short.Normally organic or herbal products or specially made chemical free shampoos are produced for customers who prefer sulfate free. It is highlighted on over the cou...

Whenever a product has Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate in its ingredient's list, it means it contains sulfate.They're also represented by SLS or ALS in short.Normally organic or herbal products or specially made chemical free shampoos are produced for customers who prefer sulfate free. It is highlighted on over the counter cheap sulfate free shampoo front wrapper in bold words! 

free What do sulfate shampoo target? 

Sulfates when present as ingredients are primary surfactants. These simple chemical molecules normally work to attract all kinds of oil and water particles, hence becoming ideal for removal of dirt deeply. They don't generate foam or lather. 

Even the Non sulfate shampoos are beneficial if produced genuinely! Also, the next thing that matters is the proper method of application!

How should one use non sulfate shampoo for ideal results?

  • Thoroughly wet your hair while bathing- This is the most initial step, which we all know and are following since years now. If hair is not properly soaked in water, then it gets clumsy and shampooing has no good results.
  • Take a small quantity of shampoo-This is a truth, which hardly people follow. You should never use a large amount of shampoo. Rather, just use limited liquid, mix with water, and then apply! Also, no sulfate shampoos do less lather.So, people apply large amounts in one use.Please avoid this over application!
  • Mix water in shampoo liquid while applying- This will help in getting all your hair get an equal amount of non sulfate shampoo and thus get evenly cleaned.Even the shampoo particles get activated with water.
  • Follow a practice of washing twice- Second time washing has better results.As first time would only clean your hair. Second time wash will lift your hair to give a shine and volume.
  • Wash your hair nicely- After shampooing, wash your hair to remove all the shampoo properly else, it will look sticky and heavy even after the wash.

You may then apply conditioner only on ends- Most of the conditioners are sulfate free, as they don't need foam or lather. So choose the one you like and apply only on ends.Never let it interact with scalp else,it will weaken your hair resulting in hair fall. Rinse well after 2-3 minutes!

Why use sulfate free shampoo? There are people who have irritation from professional shampoos. This type of irritation is because of sulfates in the majority. Hence, such people experience good sulfate free shampoo benefits and hence love this option. In addition, if you regularly color your hair, then it's a great option.This is because sulfates in shampoo take away the color quickly and thus the color effect fades faster. 


When we compare the shampoos without sulfate from the majority, we find that some people are too happy with sulfates in shampoo and find it effective while application. But there are an equal number of people who find it irritating and causing dryness to hair. Hence, they prefer sulfate-free option any day!

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