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Crashed Phantom 2 Repairs - What I learned may help you.

Crashed Phantom 2 Repairs - What I learned may help you.

I crashed my trusty phantom 2 today trying to do a manual flip. So thats right stick all the way over in a single direction and backing off the power at the right point so it can rotate round rather than make a bigger turning circle I think. It didnt work and by the time my 20m height became 10 as I got into GPS mode it was never going to be able to recover. In short I crashed doing something stupid and I have paid a price. At this point it isn't clear how much.

There is a connector (PCB interface) inside that was rattling around the EXP one and this doesn't seem to be used and may not be an issue. The other is stopping the show. A SMB connector from the battery is the clue and I have found out its the Smart Battery Connector - even connecting the USB and running the software on my mac shows this to be a fault.

Here are a couple of photos of the Phantom 2.

Notice the earth in the LED cover the clear plastic and the buckled plastic shell on the same arm.
The SMB and EXP ports took damage which I find curious as if something hit them on impact.

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