The blouse patterns that will be suitable for your body type

Unlike T-shirts, which less or more hide the shape of one's body, a blouse emphasizes the form. It's more formal and more feminine, usually used in semi-formal occasions as well as in the corporate world.

Different patterns and cuts fit various body types. There are some patterns that compliments a given body type and there are others that falter. It is essential that you get the right pattern and cut that would not only highlight your greatest assets but would also conceal your problem areas.

Considering the lines

Lines and stripes in these tops have a significant impact in the way the eyes perceive the entire body. 

The vertical lines in these clothes would elongate 

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Swimsuits: Then and Now

Have you ever taken time to think about the history of swimsuits? Well, most likely, no. You would be surprised to know that they have a huge history that has witnessed radical changes over the years. For instance, in classical antiquity, bathing and swimming was done nude. This is completely unthinkable today. This change points to how much swimsuits and their use has changed.

Some cultures allowed people to swim naked. Over the years, undergarments such as loin cloths became the acceptable dressing for swimming purposes. Men swum nude and those who did not like it that way, stripped to their underwear. It took until the 19th century for a law to be passed that prohibited nude swimming. Cities were free to establish their own laws on the matter. Men's swimming suits became common in the 1870s. The men's swimsuit was a fitting wool garment that had long sleeves similar to long underwear.

Females mostly bathed in spas; often nude. They started abandoning nudity in the 1670s, many years before men. As a matter of fact, laws banning women from nude swimming existed over a century before the one for men was established. Starting at around 1700, ladies wore bathing gowns. They were long dresses made of opaque fabric so that they would not become transparent when wet. Weights were also attached at the hem so that the dress would not rise up in the water.

The 19th century saw the emergence of women's two-piece suits. The two-piece clothing consisted of a gown from the shoulders to the knees as well as a set of trousers that had leggings up to the ankles. The men's swimsuit remained unchanged for a century or so.
The 20th century saw modern changes for the swimsuit such as the rise to popularity of the one-piece swimming suit. Annette Kellerman, an Australian swimmer, played a critical path in this. After being arrested in the US for indecent dressing in her swimsuit, she came up with her line of one-piece bathing suits which she marketed. This came to be known as "the Annette Kellerman".

This form-fitting type of swimsuit proved popular despite initial opposition from some quarters. With time, it started shrinking. Arms were exposed as well as legs up to mid-thigh. The neck was also exposed and nothing was covered up to the bosom. With the advancement of technology and new fabrics, an astounding variety of more comfortable swimwear emerged.

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