Kind of a lone wolf who created some websites.

Cute Dogs With Babies

doberman-babies Doberman with Baby
Here we just love the canine nature with babies. Please send us your best with your pooch!  Dobermans and babies  Babies and Dogs Compilation  Cute Couples
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3474 Hits

Best Travel Cots and Cribs - Recommended Travel Cots

baby-bjorn-travel-cot What are the Best Travel Cots?

There are some very nice options available depending on your budget and taste the following will be appealing for your new family addition while you are on the move.

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3673 Hits

Herbs for Anxiety and other Natural Remedies

herbs-for-anxiety Herbs For Anxiety
You are here because you or a friend or family member suffers from Anxiety. It is a pretty useless feeling so anything you can do to lessen its effects will help you function as a better version of you. Read on and give some of them a try. Natural remedies for anxiety need to be carefully examined because natural doesn't mean safe- remember that. S...
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2720 Hits

All About Power Yoga

power-yoga-course Power Yoga Course
My own personal discovery of yoga I got into yoga because I suffered from a chronic back injury. I can tell you if you are reading this in a similar position and you are in disabling pain that there is hope for you. Like many I turned to YouTube and found Adriene without doubt the most popular youtuber who regularly posts yoga sessions though not a...
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2935 Hits

Music Featuring Highwaymen

I have come across few highwaymen videos that go to music so as a unique curiosity I thought it merit a quick blog post.  Gunnerkrigg Court - By Tom Siddell Gunnerkrigg Court is a science-fantasy webcomic created by Tom Siddell. It is updated online three days a week.
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2280 Hits

Amazon FBA (Amazon Fulfilled by Amazon)

amazon-fba-fbm Amazon FBA How To Get Started
You have probably heard of Amazon before and order regularly but you might not have heard of FBA or Fulfilled By Amazon. Amazon products are largely (around 50%) products supplied by a 3rd party to be sold on the Amazon platform. There are 2 options when it comes for 3rd parties to sell on Amazon. There is FBA and FBM. Actually there is a third as ...
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2953 Hits