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Exercising After an Injury: How to Come Back Safely

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Whether you broke your leg or tore your ACL, you know the struggle of going through the recovery. Being patient and waiting for the pain to go away is not the best feeling in the world, but you have to push and go through it to be able to see your body's full potential again. Starting over and finding a new rhythm is not easy, but if you're determined to make progress, you'll soon after leave your injuries behind. Although coming back from an injury can feel like starting from the bottom, that is a normal reaction for most people who like to exercise, when they become ready to start working out again.

Don't try anything reckless

When they're going through a recovery from injuries, most fitness lovers can't wait to get back on track and recreate their routine. Starting to exercise before you are positive that you are physically and mentally ready to go through new challenges can be dangerous. Don't rely on your personal opinion about the potential outcomes.

Instead, try to wait for your doctor's approval and follow the recommendations and their advice. Your doctor will tell you how much effort are you going to be allowed to put into performing different exercises, and how much pressure can you put onto your injured limb. You must learn to be patient if you want to avoid negative consequences. By ignoring your doctor's advice, you can harm yourself once again, and then you'll have to go through the recovery one more time. To avoid those situations, learn that being persistent and stubborn is not always the best choice.

Mentally prepare yourself

Waiting until you're fully recovered to start performing basic stretching exercises is a must, but you also need to take care of your mental well-being. Injuries can create a massive amount of fear that puts pressure on the idea of working out again. Some athletes never found the courage to face their fear, and that changed their career and lifestyle.

Although it's normal to feel worried about what may happen to you the next time you go to the gym, you mustn't allow the fear to control you and dictate your future actions. If you are too worried about getting hurt again, consider therapy to heal from the trauma. Allow yourself to feel scared, but keep in mind that you can face all challenges that the future brings. Find a workout buddy that will encourage you to start fresh and continue making progress at your own pace.

Continue to attend physical therapy

Once your injuries heal to the point where it becomes easy for you to move your limbs without feeling a lot of pain and pressure, engage in physical preparations. Visit a local sports podiatry and start performing exercises under the assistance of an experienced podiatrist. Professionals will track your progress and ensure you're moving in the right direction.

With their help, you won't have to worry about whether you're properly performing exercises designed to help you recover faster. No matter how much you know about fitness and related injuries, keep in mind that it's always better to find someone to monitor your progress and make changes in your routine to ensure faster rehabilitation.

Once you get back on your feet and start walking around without difficulties, you can consult your podiatrist about whether you're ready to begin exercising without assistance. If they show doubt, it's advisable to continue to rely on professional recovery consultants.

Listen to your body

After the first workout session, you are most likely going to experience a gruesome muscle ache. Feeling discomfort is normal after being inactive for a long period, both during and after your first workout. However, you should pay attention to the signs your body is giving out when you start moving around. You should not feel extreme pain during nor after the workout.

If exercising becomes even slightly painful, you should stop immediately and consult a doctor on what to do next. If they change exercise prescription and let you engage with lighter weights, follow the instructions carefully, and never test your limits until you're fully recovered. If your doctor's recommendations cause you to feel discomfort, don't complete the whole routine until you become more competent to endure the session.


Although going through recovery can be frustrating, try to maintain a positive attitude. If you follow directions and take safety precautions, your body will get better as fast as it can. Don't push yourself to work harder, because that can only stop or regress your recovery. Allow yourself to rest as much as you need. Find a new hobby to keep you occupied when there's nothing to do besides lying in bed and waiting to be able to put your body in active mode. Don't let the fear overwhelm you, and ask for support if you can't go through the recovery alone. 

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