There is one handbag every woman must have. Every woman needs a black, leather handbag in her accessory closet.
There is one handbag every woman must have. Every woman needs a black, leather handbag in her accessory closet. Leather handbags are trendy right now, and buying one in basic black means the bag can be worn in a variety of ways and will never go out of style. Black, leather handbags will be investment pieces that can be used for a long time and look great every time.
Casual Looks
First, a black, leather handbag can easily work with an everyday look. It can be paired with a great, fitting pair of jeans, a blazer, and black boots to create a coordinated look. Or this bag can be used with business casual outfits to go to the office. It can be paired with a black sweater, gray slacks, and black heels. A basic black handbag made of leather also looks great against colorful tops. It will coordinate with red sweaters, green blouses, or pink coats. The possibilities for casual looks are endless with this bag.
Wear with White
Black, leather handbags add a perfect punch when used against an outfit of white. It can dress up and add pizzazz to a white sweater, a white jacket, or even a pair of white pants or jeans. Another tip when wearing an outfit with white as the primary color is to match the black handbag to black jewelry to make all of the accessories stand out against the basic white. White and black make a powerful color combination.
Dress It up
The black, leather handbag is a versatile piece because it can be worn with casual outfits as well as more formal looks. Even when dressing up for an occasion, this cute handbag will work. It will easily pair with the perfect little black dress hanging in the back of so many women's closets, and it will also look great with a sexy, red dress. It doesn't matter if the formal event requires a short dress or a long evening gown because the black, leather handbag can fit seamlessly into the overall look no matter what length a dress is. The basic black color of the handbag also means that it will coordinate with many different colors and many different fabrics, too. It can even look great against sequins, floral prints, and embellishments.
Women have many fashion options when choosing to carry a black, leather handbag. It can complement any look.