Desktop lamps, free standing light sources, ceiling lights, small spotlights, there are so many different forms of lighting that can be perfectly incorporated into the home to create just the right mood. Whether it is a functional room or a place for relaxation, there are sources of light that fit every possible scenario and lighting makes up one of the most important areas of interior design that is often neglected leaving a space feeling bare and cold, eliminating the intended theme.

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The Neglected Element

When designing a room or even an entire home, the biggest priority is usually the end result, the items and colours that will be combined to create a particular look that will hopefully reflect a specific mood. All too often, lighting choices are not taken into consideration and the result ends up looking very different to the original idea. Lighting is not a straightforward element that either brightens a room or doesn’t, it completely transforms the use, the feeling and the style of a space and it all begins with the type of lighting that is not only wanted but needed.

The Three Types of Lighting

Lighting falls into three categories that can fit any room with an intended theme and a specific purpose, whether it is a highly functional area that needs strong lighting or a space that requires relaxation and therefore requires softer light sources. When the theme of a space is decided, the format of the lighting needs to be considered…

The Achievable

Lighting, whether it is artificial or natural, can change the appearance of a room in terms of the décor, the shape and the size. It can add to the ambience of a room and secure a desired design whether it is relaxed and restful or luxurious and structured. Spaces become open and inviting and the purpose of a space can be clear with the choices of lighting included. There are so many different types of lighting and accessories, which perfectly showcase the lighting format, that there simply is no excuse to neglect such an important part of interior design.