Forget the wedding DJ or the cuisine, perhaps the most important decision one makes when they are organizing a wedding is that of the venue. It is through the venue that one can be able to set the scene and make other wedding related decisions. Furthermore, when considering budgets, the venue will either be the leading or second most expensive item...

Forget the wedding DJ or the cuisine, perhaps the most important decision one makes when they are organizing a wedding is that of the venue. It is through the venue that one can be able to set the scene and make other wedding related decisions. Furthermore, when considering budgets, the venue will either be the leading or second most expensive item, most of the time after the food and drinks. When choosing a location, here are some of the factors one must consider.

  • Budget: being one of the most expensive items on the budget means the cost will high on the list of important considerations when selecting or rejecting venues. Obviously, the cost of hiring the venue must be within the set budget of the event. Look for venues that offer access to extra amenities, like grounds for photos or a garden reception party, or those that do not if that is not important.
  • Spacecapabilities: depending on the nature of the wedding, look at such space related issues as the basic capacity or seating space, as well as the lobby or exhibitor space. There are many space related issues that most people never think about, like the load in/out amenities or other technical; capabilities like lighting and electricity. When it is an open wedding with many invitations, make allowances for the space. Private weddings can be organized in much smaller, fixed space venues.
  • Venue appropriateness: obviously the venue must be appropriate, especially given the type of wedding being organized. For the event organizer, this calls for knowledge of the needs and the goals of their clients such that they might be able to deal with their demands. There are very few places, for instance, where it might be appropriate to conduct a church wedding.
  • Schedule: this is sometimes overlooked. Many people simply rent venues and wait for the days before the wedding to start thinking about issues like decorations. It is important when booking to consider the possibility of there being other events at the same complex or nearby venues when making bookings. One does not want a loud convention next door when they organize their wedding.
  • Travel convenience: think further than the actual events to the guests and how convenient the venue choice will be for them. Location of the wedding needs to be at a place where attendees will not suffer or require excessive travel to reach. Relatives and friends who might want to come to the wedding might end up being turned off by the distance or the inconvenience. Make it as easy as possible for all close relatives and friends to enjoy the big day. When it comes to travel, make sure even if the venue is accessible, that there is sufficient parking and proximity to airports and public transport.
  • Reputation and restrictions: ask other event planners or individuals who have conducted events at the prospective locations about their past experiences there. Also, consider the restrictions at the venue and whether the event can go on smoothly with them being applied.