dentist equipment

Even though regular dental check-ups are one of the most important parts of proper oral care, there are many people who don't rush to the dentist even if they have some severe symptoms. Unfortunately, this can result in severe complications and costly treatment.

If you want to keep your teeth and gums healthy, it is essential to pay sufficient attention to their condition. You should understand that the earlier you start treatment, the more effective and short-term it will be. In this article, we have gathered nine alarming signs that you need to visit a dentist right now.

1. You have bad breath

Bad breath (halitosis) can be caused by various factors such as the consumption of smelly food, digestive issues, or oral conditions. For example, the build-up of dental plaque and food particles that occurs because of poor oral hygiene can make your breath smelly.

However, conditions like gum disease, tooth decay, or a dental abscess can also contribute to bad breath. Yous should understand that these issues may require immediate medical attention since they can lead to tooth loss and many other severe complications.

2. Your teeth are loose

Your tooth may become loose because of certain factors like progressing gum disease, injury, or teeth grinding. When gum disease advances, it causes gum pockets and recession that can contribute to teeth loosening. Teeth grinding can also cause loose teeth since a person clenches them with pressure and this forces them to move.

3. You suffer from a toothache

A toothache can be from mild to unbearable. In any case, it is essential to understand that toothache doesn't occur without any reason. If you can't sleep at night because your teeth hurt, it's a sign that you should visit a dentist.

Even though tooth decay is considered one of the most common causes of a toothache, it is not a single one. Excessive enamel wear can make your teeth react with pain on hot or cold foods and drinks while dental abscess can cause throbbing pain that intensifies while chewing.

4. You have white lesions in the mouth

White lesions in your oral cavity can occur because of oral thrush. Even though this fungal infection affects mostly infants, adults can also get. Oral thrush can develop because of antibiotics intake, cancer treatments, diabetes, increased consumption of sweets, and other factors. Visit your dentist to undergo precise treatment.

5. Your gums are bleeding

Bleeding gums tend to be the most common symptom of developing gum disease. This condition is usually accompanied by swelling, redness, and halitosis. At the initial stages of gum disease (gingivitis), bleeding can occur during toothbrushing or the consumption of solid foods.

When gum disease becomes advanced (periodontitis), bleeding can occur on its own. Additionally, people with periodontitis usually develop gum pockets and loose teeth. If you have noticed at least some of the aforementioned symptoms, it is essential to visit a dentist's office as soon as possible to prevent tooth and bone loss.

6. You experience tooth sensitivity

If you have noticed that your teeth react with pain to sweet, hot, or cold foods and drinks, it may be a sign that you have a cavity. However, increased tooth sensitivity may develop as a result of excessive email wear, gum recession, and dental abscess. You should visit a dentist to define the cause of your condition and choose the appropriate treatment.

7. You broke a tooth

A broken tooth can be a serious issue because it can cause severe pain and injure soft tissues in your oral cavity. It is essential to visit a dentist to evaluate the damage and undergo treatment.

If you have chipped only a small tip of the tooth, the dentist can repair it with a regular tooth filling. But when the fracture is significant, you may need to cover the broken tooth with a dental crown. If the roots of the tooth are damaged as well, a dental implant may be used to restore the missing tooth.

8. You have lost a tooth

If you have lost a tooth, it is important to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. The reality is that the neighboring teeth can start filling the gap that occurs when you lose a tooth. This can lead to shifted teeth, problems with chewing, and facial asymmetry. That's why it is essential to get a dental implant.

9. Your dental restorations become damaged

Dental restorations (fillings, crowns, implants, bridges, etc.) tend to wear out over time. This can lead to plaque and food accumulation that occurs in gaps and holes. If you have, for example, a loose dental crown, bacteria, food particles, and dental plaque can get stuck under the cap and rot there.

If you will not replace that damaged dental restoration, it can lead to bacteria overgrowth and other unpleasant consequences. In addition to the increased risk of oral infections, you can also injure yourself if the loose crown or implant will fall off when you eat or drink.

The bottom line

You should understand that many conditions can develop asymptomatically and affect your oral health without any signs. That's why you shouldn't neglect dental exams at least twice a year. Only a dentist can recognize the early signs of many oral issues and perform the timely and effective treatment.