If you want a rough and tumble drone for Christmas this could be a great choice. No complicated (separate) charger not that it would survive everything you might throw at any of these I think this is as tough as any I have seen. What might break pops off like the props so you just push them back on. It comes with spare props too. The shell has no metal so the weight is low but it's well designed and seems tough.

Amazon.com: TX Juice Forever Ready Drone - The longest lasting flight time system: Toys & Games
Flying the Forever is fun and I think could work from roughly 7 years and above. There are 3 levels of stick sensitivity so you get to just try and jump to a hover and sit, gradually you discover the controls. It takes a long time to learn to fly well but you can learn to hover quickly.
Other Reviews Online
Hovering is somewhat tricky to get as if you are closer to ground you get lift as you get closer to the ground which lifts you back up...you can get sucked to the ceiling if you have too much throttle.
What is the juice function? The Juice is a command that you send which programmatically flips the drone in the direction you choose after making it do the juice command. This really is fun when you get to the point that you are more comfortable, you need to commit to the maneuver.