When I read this, I thought it someone's idea of fun, but upon closer inspection and photographic evidence it turned out to be true!

The odd couples scoffed some food at the posh Duck & Waffle, which is located on the 40th floor of the Heron Tower building in Bishopsgate, East London.


Then headed over to Shoreditch, where they knocked back shots of tequila at Callooh Callay bar before heading up to Islington for some pudding. They finished their mini venue crawl at the John Salt bar where they asked for the house  special and were served bananas.

“They asked for our best speciality dish,” John Salt boss Leigh Gillson tells The Sun. “We gave them deep fried banana in caramel.”

“It wasn’t a boozer bender, more like an upmarket pub crawl,” added another source.

I'd love to know how they know each other and love that a princess is dating someone called Dave!