Another day, another 'selfie' posted on Twitter from the former Nickolodeon and Hairspray star, yawnnn. 

On Saturday's (twit)pic she reveals that she's put on weight and needs to be 100lbs.  I mean please, there's not an ounce of fat on the woman, just seems like another ploy for attention in my humble opinion.




In recent years she's had several run-in's with law, and just this month (May 13) made a plea for no contest to the charge of driving with a suspended licence. For which she was sentenced to three years' probation.

The twitpics are a running soap opera in a series scantily clad pictures she's posted of late and in many of she is a shadow of her former self.  She seems to unfortunately going to down the well worn path trod my the likes of LiLo and Britney Spears.  Although i do hope she manages to pull her career and herself up by the bootstraps alla Britney style very soon!
