
If you have migraines, you know that they can be frustrating and eat up a lot of the time. It can be hard to get rid of these hellish headaches, especially during coronavirus pandemic. Migraines might be provoked by various things from stress to climate change. The current situation in the world can also be to blame. The good news is that there are few tips people with migraine headaches are using to handle their pain. Here is what they recommend:

1. Don't lean on coffee.

Many people develop migraine headaches due to constant stress. However, they often don't notice that certain things, like coffee, might exacerbate anxiety and stress. If you are prone to migraines, try to limit your coffee intake during stressful situations.

2. Track lifestyle choices.

Healthy lifestyle choices are one of the most effective ways to manage migraine headaches. Your levels of physical activity, your diet, your habits, and many other things can make improve your migraine attacks as well as worsen them.

Did you know that certain foods might trigger severe migraines? Products that contain food preservatives like (monosodium glutamate) can make your pain worse. Therefore, avoiding this ingredient might help you. Other foods to avoid include cheese crackers, fresh homemade bread or from a grocer's bakery, seasoned chips, hot pizza, etc.

Although chemical substances commonly provoke migraines, natural foods might also be huge triggers. These include citrus fruits, lima beans, navy beans, onions, and sauerkraut. This is due to the fact that they contain pollens and can contribute to histamine release (allergic reaction) that can also worsen your symptoms.

According to the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, Smoking more than five cigarettes a day might trigger migraine attacks. Nicotine is one of the components of tobacco that makes blood vessels constrict. This reduces blood flow to the brain and the covering of the brain. Low blood flow causes depressed brain activity, which is actually one of the main components of migraines. Plus, reducing the blood flow to the covering of the brain can stimulate severe pain, which might be felt in the face or in the back of the head.

3. Consider doing yoga.

Many people report that yoga is one of the best options for migraine headache treatment. According to various studies, people who do yoga and take meds for migraines have fewer and less intense symptoms than people who only take medications. In fact, about 10% of people who suffer from migraines or severe headaches practice yoga.

There are many kinds of yoga, and it's essential to find the most effective kind for you depending on your history of migraines. Certain types involve a lot of heat, are very vigorous, or include extreme postures. Considering your history of migraines, it's wise to avoid these types of yoga. Moreover, some people have found that these classes can actually provoke migraines. Therefore, gentle yoga that involves breathing and meditation (like Hatha) is ideal for you.

4. Track time you're spending on the computer.

Some people with migraines report that they feel severe and intense symptoms after working a lot with a computer screen. In order to handle attacks, take a break from screens and your work as you might be too sensitive to screen light. Also, don't forget to take a break from your phone screen too.

5. Manage your stress.

Stress is another huge factor. Scientists think that when you're experiencing stress, levels of some molecules and hormones might increase or, on the contrary, decrease which could provoke a migraine.

According to numerous studies, many different types of stress or intense emotions are associated with migraine attacks, for instance, anxiety, shock, tension, and excitement.

Some patients report that they develop headaches when their stress eases. They are called "weekend headaches" or "letdown migraine" since they might occur on Saturday or Sunday at home after a stressful week at work.

6. Exercise regularly

Scientists assume that moderate regular exercise can decrease the frequency and severity of migraines in some people. Regular exercise has been shown to be effective in preventing migraine attacks. According to recent studies, physical activity changes the levels of many body chemicals. Exercise makes your body produce more natural pain controlling chemicals called endorphins and natural anti-depressant chemicals called enkephalins.